Just another sunrise

Growing up on a farm in central Illinois, there are no mountains to inspire awe. But, there’s also little to obscure the panorama of morning sunrises, evening sunsets, and the star-packed sky at night. My adult life has been spent living in a city or near one. Six days a week I get on an interstate to drive into Dallas, TX and, as I get older, I miss that farm and a slower pace of life more and more. The city with its noise, man-made lights, and general chaos is steadily encroaching into my suburban life. But, I do get a few moments most days when I drive a short distance past some ranches and farms to meet my carpool. Occasionally, I’m greeted by a fantastic sunrise. It’s a reminder that despite all the negative stuff, there are new opportunities for good and beautiful things in life. It’s worth living. Give thanks and celebrate those gifts. This was the gift I got the other day that made me stop my car and snap a photo; just to look back on it and be grateful for each day of life I have and the good things I can enjoy.
