Unknown "Faves"
You’re familiar with the expression, “I didn’t know how good I had it.” I have said that numerous times in my adult years. As one gets older, you learn things about people, places, and events that played a role in shaping who you are. This photo was taken years ago of our sons standing in front of the Chautauqua building in the center of the city park in my hometown. If you’re not familiar with the history of the Chautauqua festivals, I’d encourage you to read up on that. History happened in this building. But, more importantly, this building is iconic of our beautiful city park where I spent many hours during my childhood fishing in the lagoon, swimming in the park pool, playing baseball, riding my bike hanging out with friends, and so much more. The park was a center of community. It was a place you could enjoy nature, enjoy healthy activity, and enjoy other people. it seems to me like we need more of that. We need to be enjoying the company and presence of other people. In a time of “social-distancing,” be sensible but don’t push it too far. Get out and get together.