Episode 74 - "Everything John said about this man was true" - John 10:40-42

John 10:40   He went away again across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing at first, and there he remained. 41 And many came to him. And they said, “John did no sign, but everything that John said about this man was true.” 42 And many believed in him there.

We have seen how the animosity towards Jesus by people in Jerusalem has grown. People have sought to stone him to death or to arrest him. Yet, they have failed because it has not been Jesus’ hour. 

In this brief section that follows the most recent attempt to stop and silence Jesus, Jesus leaves Jerusalem and travels across the Jordan River to where John the Baptist had been baptizing people. This location is where Jesus’ ministry began when he went to be baptized by John. Doesn’t this feel like the author is bringing his story to a close by drawing attention to Jesus returning to where his ministry started? If you look at the whole Gospel of John, you will notice that we are only half-way through the book. The first half of the book has covered a span of a few years of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Yet, the last half of the book covers only the last few weeks of his life and then the short time on earth following his resurrection. So, I believe this is here to indicate a coming completion to Jesus’ ministry. 

Do not overlook the mention that this was where John had been baptizing. The author reminds us of John and his ministry.  It should evoke in our mind the purpose for John baptizing, calling people to repent of their sin, and preparing the way for the Lord. Did he accomplish that? Absolutely! This fact is evident by what happens when Jesus goes there and remains there. 

Many people go to him. But, they did not go there to stone Jesus or to arrest him. They were drawn to him, and they recall John the Baptist’s message. They realize that many people recognized that John the Baptist was a prophet. They believed him even though he did not perform a single sign. They realized that Jesus did perform signs, and they understood that everything John said about Jesus was true. It would seem evident that they should, therefore, believe in Jesus. 

These people were like the sheep Jesus spoke of, aren’t they? While some people heard Jesus’ teaching, saw his miracles, but still rejected him, these people became convinced that Jesus was the Messiah. 

How about you? After reading or hearing about Jesus’ healing people and giving sight to a man born blind, and considering his claims about his identity, do you believe that he is the Messiah (Christ)? Do you believe he is the unique Son of God who could and would lay down his own life as he said he could and that by believing in him, you can be forgiven of your sins and have hope of being raised from death to eternal life with God?