Episode 107 - "Whoever kills you . . .will think he is offering service to God" - John 16:1-4

John 16:1 “I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. 3 And they will do these things because they have not known the Father, nor me. 4 But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told them to you.

The opening words of this section should cause us to go back and read Jesus’ words leading up to this warning. Jesus is not trying to scare them. He is preparing them. Everything that Jesus has been telling them about the importance of them abiding in him and his words abiding in them is to help them remain steadfast in their faith WHEN (not if) they are persecuted. Jesus repeatedly promised that he would ask the Father to send them the Holy Spirit who would help them remember and understand what Jesus taught them. Furthermore, the Spirit would advocate for their needs to the Father. Jesus encouraged them with a promise that prayers asked in his name would be answered. Finally, he promised them that they would be with him and the Father for eternity. That would mean they would be resurrected sometime after they had died. These promises would serve to encourage them during such a crisis of persecution for their faith in Jesus. 

Jesus explained that he told them all this to keep them from falling away. Through Jesus’ ministry, there were people who initially were following after Jesus. But, John helps us understand these are people who want what they want. The people who had been miraculously fed in the wilderness recognized the significance of the miracle they watched him perform and received the benefit. Yet, when they followed Jesus and he told them they needed to drink his blood and eat his flesh, they didn’t want what Jesus was offering. They wanted Jesus on their own terms. They “fell away.” 

These disciples of Jesus’ have already witnessed the persecution of the man born blind who received his sight by Jesus, was cast out by the Pharisees for his pronouncement that Jesus was from God, and still worshipped Jesus when Jesus revealed his identity to him. These disciples would receive this kind of treatment and worse. Jesus is preparing them for it.

It’s easy to imagine that maybe non-religious and/or atheistic people might persecute these disciples of Jesus. But, Jesus explains to them that it’s religious people. He says in verse 2 that such persecutors will persecute them thinking they are doing God a favor. But, then he explains in verse 3 that these people don’t truly know God. 

How often have we heard about terrible things being done in the name of God or Jesus? But, their words and actions are in utter contradiction to the teachings of Jesus. 

If I were  told that a time is coming soon when people would beat me up, throw me in prison, and kill me for my faith, I imagine the anxiety and stress that might create would be significant. Like these disciples, I hope that the promises of Jesus would keep me steady in my faith and ministry. Jesus did tell his disciples these things would happen to them just as he told them that they would be his witnesses. The disciples had a purpose and mission from God to tell others about Jesus regardless of the consequences. That mission and purpose is for us today. Perhaps we will experience persecution of some manner for our witness. 

We know that that this promised persecution of the disciples happened soon after Jesus’ ascension to heaven. You can read about these in the book of Acts. That is one more indication that Jesus’ promises are true. If that promise is true, then we can also trust that his promises about answered prayer, the Holy Spirit advocating for us and a future resurrection and eternal life with God are also true.

Let us think about these things in order that the Holy Spirit will encourage us with Jesus’ promises.